When we look at ways in which we have to take care of our health, one leading thing to know is how mammogram shows results. Mammogram screening is actually that X-ray which gives a very detailed picture of your breast.

Doctors make use of it mainly to keep a check on whether someone has breast cancer or not.

It has been a leading method of breast imaging, adapting radiology in its highest order.

And it is actually quite essential that you make use of it.

Especially as you enter your forties, there is a high chance it will be required by your health experts to get a yearly checkup.

You have no idea how it will actually play a significant role in saving you from major disease downfalls.

This is the X-ray that determines if you may or may not have breast cancer.

In this article, we will be covering the same in full detail.

So let’s begin:

What is a Mammogram?

understanding mammography

This is basically relating to how a screening tool is used.

It is when a woman has symptoms of the possibility of having cancer.

But for older women actually get mammograms on a yearly basis.

It helps to keep you safe. There is nothing wrong with being cautious.

Many suggest it to be one of the most important screenings that you can have done.

Your doctor may be ordering for a routine test so to check if there is something that needs to be done.

Basically it relates to when you are taking several images of your breast. So that you can determine what may be wrong.

When it comes to diagnostic mammograms, they are actually far more detailed.

It actually makes use of several positions. That allows you to have a complete picture and be able to get a proper diagnosis of the condition.

Your radiologist would look into the details of the images. And provide their expert opinion on what needs to be done and how.

Who Needs a Mammogram?

Now let’s look into who needs to get a mammogram.

Experts suggest that the women who are above 40 years of age should be making use of this screening every year or so.

But that should be becoming more regular when you have reached the age of 45.

However in case you are suffering from certain concerns, it is important that you get yourself properly checked out.

For some people, it is important to know of how personal or having a family history of breast cancer, makes you viable for this.

So for such people, it is important that they get the screening done on a regular basis.

Also when you go for a mammogram, you should know how it actually happens.

First the thing is that you will be feeling certain level of discomfort.

This is because the breasts are compressed.

It is not painful but it can make it painful for you.

Also there are some leading reasons as to why it can cause you pain. Breast size, as well as the tenderness are relating to how your experience may be.

But the good thing is that this pain and discomfort you feel is going to be short-lived.

The procedure itself takes about 20minutes.

You will be feeling major pain and discomfort. However it is only when you are at the clinic.

Preparing for Mammogram Screening

using a mammogram screening

There are certain tips which you should keep in mind when looking at how a mammogram works.

It is important to identify how you can make the mammogram screening proper.

For one thing , there are a few things you should not be applying. As they will be making white spots appear if you apply them.

This includes deodorants, body powders, perfumes as well as certain ointments and creams which allow you to have proper images that will give a complete overview.

Also before getting the screening, you should tell your radiologist if you are expecting or breastfeeding.

In such cases, mammogram is not the choice for you.

You will then be opting to make use of an ultrasound.

Now many people are also opting to make use of what we call digital mammograms.

This is when you are coming under the age of 50. Women who have denser breasts will be made use of.

What actually happens is that it is going to transform the X-ray into what we call an electronic pictures.

The good thing is that the images will be visible. So the results come sooner. Allowing your radiologist to make reports fast and diagnose the condition better.

Is Mammogram Screening Safe?

risks of mammography

This is one of the common questions many have.

Is it even safe?

In one word- yes it is.

While radiation exposure is risky. The thing is with mammogram screening you are getting exposure to very small radiation amount.

However it is best that you ask your health care provider just how much radiation is possible and safe during the procedure.

Also it is a really good idea that you keep a record of all your past records.

Including previous scans and other X-rays.

It is also important so that your doctor would know how much radiation you have been exposed to.

And how it actually impacts your health.

However you need to know that getting a mammogram from a safe place is what’s important.

Are There Limits to Mammography?

Is it possible that you will always get results when you go for a mammogram?

Not really.

In certain cases, it is difficult to interpret the results.

And why is that?

Because there can be a variation of breast tissue density from one woman to another.

Denser breasts will actually be harder to give readings for.

Whereas the sensitivity of mammography is actually going to be suggesting the way in which you can get results.

So it is wise to first get a proper consultation with your doctor to know just how effective it will be.

And how you can get a proper mammogram screening which gives full results.

Some other leading tips to know is that you should not be having your mammogram a week or so before your period. Or even during your period. As it can be painful due to having tender breasts.

Also it is best if you wear a top with pants. It is wise not to wear a dress. As this will be hard to undress.


what to expect during mammography

Women need to have certain screening sessions which allow doctors to detect whether they have cancer or not.

Mammogram screening is actually really important.

It is especially important for women who are above 40 years of age.

This is why you should be making it a habit to have it on a regular basis.

In this article we have looked into the details of what a mammogram is.

Why is it important, the risk factors and why you should be making use of it effectively.

Knowing so allows you to have complete protection from the condition and having a proper diagnosis of the same.

There are some definite factors and tips that you should know that allows you to make the most of this mammogram screening.

This relates to understanding this screening process in complete detail.